
2020年11月12日—AsimplemenubarappforOSXthattrackshowlongyou'vebeenactivelyusingyourcomputer.Awaretellsyouhowlongyou'vebeenusingyour ...,5天前—Awareisafreenon-profitappformentalhealth,wellbeingandinner...RequiresmacOS11.0orlaterandaMacwithAppleM1chiporlater.,2020年11月12日—AsimplemenubarappforOSXthattrackshowlongyou'vebeenactivelyusingyourcomputer.Awaretellsyouhowlongyou'vebeenusingyour ...,2023...

Mac App Store 上的“Aware”

2020年11月12日 — A simple menubar app for OSX that tracks how long you've been actively using your computer. Aware tells you how long you've been using your ...

Aware: Mindfulness & Wellbeing 12+

5 天前 — Aware is a free non-profit app for mental health, wellbeing and inner ... Requires macOS 11.0 or later and a Mac with Apple M1 chip or later.

在Mac App Store 上的「Aware」

2020年11月12日 — A simple menubar app for OSX that tracks how long you've been actively using your computer. Aware tells you how long you've been using your ...

在App Store 上的「Aware Super」

2023年11月5日 — The award winning* Aware Super mobile App is the easiest way for you to check in with your super and Pension - anytime, anywhere.

App Store 上的《Aware Super》

2023年11月5日 — The award winning* Aware Super mobile App is the easiest way for you to check in with your super and Pension - anytime, anywhere.

Aware on the Mac App Store

2020年11月12日 — A simple menubar app for OSX that tracks how long you've been actively using your computer. Aware tells you how long you've been using your ...


Aware is a simple menubar app for OSX that displays how long you've been actively using your computer.


由 S Yoon 著作 · 2007 · 被引用 18 次 — Abstract: The paper proposes a MAC layer protocol called QoMOR (QoS-aware MAC protocol using optimal retransmission) that is designed to provide QoS in a ...

Enhanced energy efficient mobility aware MAC protocol for ...

由 VC Diniesh 著作 · 2023 · 被引用 2 次 — In this paper, we design an enhanced Mobility Based queue aware Mac protocol called EEM-MAC to reduce the above state problems. To achieve EEM- ...

Aware — 久坐提醒的小工具

2017年12月5日 — 今天要推薦的是一款Mac App — Aware,一款可以幫你記錄使用多久電腦的小工具。 功能簡單. 這個Mac App 非常輕巧,只有3.4 MB,原因可以說是它的功能 ...